Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What is yours? Mine is mine. Let's share!

I am feeling very philosophical this morning and I've been having a fantastic night talking out my thoughts with the walls and with God. It's a good morning to be alive. Here is just one of my conversations:

Can't figure out what your 'specialty' or 'gift' from God is? You know, the gifts that God has given you; the talent He has possessed in you for His purposes? Neither can I. I just go where I am lead and where I think I should go. And, unfortunately, most of the time, where I want to go. I know that God is leading me there, or, at the very least, waiting for me there. If my specialty is only in a smile to a friend or a stranger, then so be it. If it is only in listening to you when you are in need, then so be it. If it is only in following you to help support you with your desires, then so be it. If it is only in helping to lead you to calmer waters where we can be surrounded with peace, then so be it. If it is only in planting that seed, not sowing it, or even watching it grow, then so be it. It matters not what we want our gifts to be. It matters only what we do with what we already have and what we have already been given.

If you are reading this, then you have been, or are a part of my life (and always will be, truthfully) even if just for a little while. Know that your specialty is greater and grander than you and I will ever know. So is my own. Walk with me, talk with me, sing with me, dance with me, love with me, work with me, play with me, laugh with me, cry with me, pray with me. I love you. And so does He.

What will you do with what you have today? I can't say I know the answer, or that I will even be a good example for anyone to follow. But, I will endure, and I will succeed. I will follow His love and discover, someday soon, His plan for me.