Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I often search the net for valuable or meaningful quotes given any situation. Last night I came up with a few of my own. They may not be 'professional' or 'good' or 'funny' or even 'enlightening' but it was a fun process! Here are a few:

"The greatest therapy I have experienced in my life, is arranging and manipulating musical notes together and then playing them in sequence. They tend to form a more coherent understand of one's circumstances. And, they don't have to be 'good', they just have to 'be'."

"Your fingers are sore? The best cure is to keep playing! Remember video game controller thumb? Yeah, neither do I...or, that Captain Crunch chewed up the roof of your mouth...?"
(If you know what I'm talking about on both these references, I want to give you a hug!)

"'s 3:00 in the morning? Should I stop playing?"

"They made violin cases for three reasons: 1) violins 2) semi-automatic weapons & 3) cat naps."

"I want to say, "Hi", to that violist over there, but, I don't speak Alto clef..."

"One of the greatest gifts from God is music. Even the Devil cannot compete with what is created from His children's souls."

"God gave me a lot of talent. He gave EVERYONE a lot of talent. Personally, I just have to listen to Him and figure out what He wants me to do with mine. What will you do with yours?"

"The violin is a very sexy instrument." (Complete quote below - Not for the faint of heart! You have been warned!)

"The violin is a very sexy instrument. What other instrument can...snapping your G-string, rosining your bow, counting your measures, plucking your strings, tuning your pegs, hitting your octave, staying in tune, never being sharp, never being flat, always being natural, making your chin rest comfortable, adjusting your shoulder rest, playing with the fingerboard, touching the belly, keeping your wrist aligned, strengthening your hand, strengthening your arm, minding your fingering, tightening your bow, playing with vibrato, crossing strings, double-stops, repeats, re-stringing your instrument, holding a fermata, breathing on a rest, feeling the beat, strumming, touching your scroll, adjusting the bridge, turning your fine-tuners, touching the tailpiece, and playing with your f-hole...sound so naughty?"

Where is your mind?

~Kris Van Pelt