Saturday, July 24, 2010

The joy and sadness of music.

Why is it that wherever you are in life, there is music or there are artists that seem to follow you around like they wrote their songs just for you in your specific situations/worries/concerns/elations? I know what the answer is; it's just because we are looking for that connection to something, anything, to feel like we are not alone and so we hear what we want to hear within their music. Whatever the actual reason, I am glad that music exists and that I am able to create my own, as well as enjoy others' creations. Hopefully I do not go deaf or lose any fingers anytime soon!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The shadows are moving again, but...


The shadows are moving again, but I can't see them this time. They are not trying to show me their presence as they were a few months ago. Instead, they are carrying lanterns and offering another solution. One that actually makes sense. Terrifying, but understandable.

I dare not believe them, but I am intrigued - only interested in what God's part in all of this is. Is this the direction He is leading me to? If not, why does the answer seem so simple - a solution to suite the desires of everyone involved? I will not act upon desire alone...I am being called to a higher purpose than that...but what does all this mean?

It's the only solution that seems to make complete sense and would wrap everything up in a neat, tidy little bow. Or would it? There's something here that I am not seeing - like it's being hidden from me, yet I am continually drawn to it's ever promising prospects, despite how I personally feel about it.